Sunday, August 10, 2014

Some myths about left handers

It is not a myth that left-handers have trouble with all sorts of everyday articles and tools but it is the threat on the heart of the left handers that if the same situation goes on then it will be very difficult for the left handers to compete with the right handers on theirs dominant society. 
Left-handers do tend to do badly whenever there is any talk of superstition or things that cannot be understood.

Bad myths about left handers
v It is predicted that evil spirits lurk over the left shoulder so we need to throw salt over this shoulder to-ward them off if any bad happens. In Roman times, salt was a very valuable commodity, giving rise to the word "salary" and was considered a form of money at the time. If salt was spilled, that was considered very bad luck that could only be avoided by throwing some of the spilled salt over your left shoulder to placate the devil.

v Joan of Arc (burned at the stake in 1431 for being a witch) was left-handed, if she was not the lefthander it would probably not happen such.

v Getting out of bed with the left foot first means that you will have a bad day and be bad tempered i.e getting out of bed the wrong side.

v A ringing in the right ear means that someone is praising you. In the left ear it means that someone is cursing or maligning you.

v An itchy right palm means that you will receive money. An itchy left palm means you will have to give money.

v Wedding rings worn on the third finger of the left hand originated with the Greeks and Romans, who wore them to fend off evil associated with the left-hand

v The Romans originally considered the left to be the lucky side and used for augury. However, they later changed back to the Greek methods and favored the right-hand side.

v The right hand often symbolizes 'male' while the left hand is 'female'.
v If you hear the sound of a cuckoo from the right it will be a lucky year. If the sound comes from the left it will be unlucky.

v The Meru people of Kenya believed that the left-hand of their holy man has such evil power that he had to keep it hidden for the safety of others.

v If your right eye twitches you will see a friend, if it's your left eye that twitches you'll see an enemy.

v When dressmaking it's believed to be bad luck to sew the left-hand sleeve onto a garment before the right sleeve.

v When leaving to go on a journey, if your right foot itches you're bound to have a good journey. If your left foot itches it will end in sorrow.

v It is thought to be bad luck to pass a drink to another person with your left-hand or anti-clockwise around a table.

v Passing or pouring wine with the left hand leads to bad luck.

v A left-handed toast is tantamount to a curse on the victim.

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