Saturday, May 14, 2016

Why force for using right hand?
How many times have you been punished for using yours left hand in yours childhood or at school?
Certainly many times .what where those punishment like? Simple threaten or you had been beaten blue and black?
These are the information that I personally acquired when I interviewed some of my leftie friends, elders and teacher.
"I was educated in my remote village school. My left hand was beaten until it was swollen, so I started to use my right hand" said one of my friends.
"I had a teacher who would smack my left hand with a yardstick every time she caught me writing with my left hand”.
"My class teacher would force me to use my right hand to perform all of my school work. If she caught me using my left hand, I was hit in the head with a book as big as dictionary. It turned out that she believed left handers were connected with devil (rakches)."
"Was given pen with left hander nib as matter of course" (hooray!)
"Not much awareness or understanding in 70's and 80's (still!), was tested by "specialist" to determine the extent of my "disability"
My one of the teacher in college sheared a story about his left handed friend. It was the sad story of the Baglung district of the year 2047. Teacher and his friend used to study on grade 8.
“It was the beginning of ours new session on the school. I had heard that we had the new mathematics teacher in our school .He  was from dargiling.At the time math’s teacher had a different respect than others, a fearful respect. Every one used to get afraid of the math’s teacher like those of DI (discipline in charge) of present days. I and my friend were on the first bench of the class as always .My friend was a left hander. Also had the most beautiful writing in our class. When that teacher , whose  name was probably Kashab kumar Jha entered to our class, gave a strange look to every student . Amazingly he called a boy in front of the class .He was my same left hander friend and told to write tables of 18.He started to write and when teacher noticed him he shouted at him “  Gu dhune haat la lakhna sharam lagdaina”.(don’t you feel shame to use  shit washing hand for writing).From that day onwards he started to beat my little friend with the very thin stick on the left hand when he saw him writing with left hand. He did this for more than 6 months until my friend completely stopped using his “gu Dhune haat” as coated by that teacher, for writing”.
These are some true and a factual story which a every community having left handers have. There are probably thousands of other such stories which present the domination over the left handers since the centuries, I feel likely to call it the most neglected minority of the world. As far as I have seen ,studied and observed there are two reasons why left handers are forced on using their opposite hand.
1.     Practical oddness or social adjustment
“On an average about 90% of the population of the society are right handers. So it is sure for 10%of population to feel difficulties and clumsiness. So it is better to shift left handers to right” said my teacher who tried me to convert into right hander but unfortunately he could not. Also some left handers are themselves converted due to difficulty on handling the instrument by left hand such as scissors, knives etc which I have tried to detect in the upcoming lines………………………
2.     Religious/cultural point of view
This is generally the problem of the uneducated or semi-educated family where people regard the use of left hand as the initiation of the bad luck. They have the conception that the left hand is a devils hand which should be only used for urination and other expiratory habits along with personal hygiene………………
Due to cultural and societal pressures, many left-handed children are encouraged or forced to write and perform other activities with their right hands. This conversion can cause multiple problems in the developing left-handed child, including learning disordersdyslexiastuttering  and other speech disorders. Shifts from left- to right-handed are more likely to be successful than right to left, though neither have a high success rate to begin with. Successful shifters are more likely to become ambidextrous than unsuccessful ones. Conversions can be successful with consistent daily practice in a variety of manual activities.
Many Asian countries encourage or force their children to become right-handed due to cultural perceptions of bad luck associated with the left hand. In the countries like India, Nepal, Srilanka and Indonesia, it is considered rude to eat with the left hand. In a 2007 study in Taiwan, 59.3% of left hander children studying in high school had been forced to convert from left-handedness to right-handedness. The study took the account of education status of the children's families and found that children whose parents had less education were more likely to be forced to convert. Even among children whose parents had higher levels of education, the conversion rate was 45.7%. Among naturally left-handed Japanese senior high school students, only 0.7% and 1.7% of individuals used their left hand for writing and eating, respectively, though young Japanese are more likely to convert to using chopsticks right-handed than forks or spoons (29.3% to 4.6%). The proportion of females subjected to forced conversion is significantly higher compared to males (95.1% to 81.0%).Malawians cite their views that "the left hand is less skilled and less powerful than the right one" as main reasons for forcing left-handers to convert. Among students, teachers and parents, 75% said the left hand should not be used to perform habitual activities, and 87.6% of these believed left-handers should be forced to switch dominant hands. Parents and close relatives and teachers are most responsible for impressing these beliefs upon their children.

 Western countries also attempt to convert left-handed children due to cultural, societal and religious basis. Schools tend to urge children to use their right hands, sometimes against the wishes of the child's parents. In America until corporal punishment was outlawed in schools it was not uncommon for students to be physically punished for writing with their left hands.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

What is the scope of general biology in Nepal?or why to study general biology?

Teaching is the first option to the biology graduates in Nepal .Most of the biology graduates are involved in teaching profession in different colleges of the valley and out of valley.If any student is interested in the research work after the completion of their limited course, bachelor or masters or P.hd there are many NGOs and ING O's researching  lot of biological plants and animals .one of  such government body can beNational Research Center of TU
Other such bodies include
  •    NARC(National Agricultural Resaearch Institute)
  •     Foresty Nepal
  •     RIBB NEPAL

Prior to this there are lots of other opportunities to work in herbal product companies and industries .one can open their own botanical farms and gardens .

What is general biology?

Lot of students have queries about the subject biology despite the fact that they read it .i  have found lots of student going to foreign countries to study biology especially united states. Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, evolution, distribution, identification and taxonomy. Modern biology is a vast and eclectic field, composed of many branches and sub disciplines. However, despite the broad scope of biology, there are certain general and unifying concepts within it that govern all study and research, consolidating it into single, coherent field. In general, biology recognizes the cell as the basic unit of life, genes as the basic unit of heredity, and evolution as the engine that propels the synthesis and creation of new species. It is also understood today that all the organisms survive by consuming and transforming energy and by regulating their internal environment to maintain a stable and vital condition.